Friday, August 19, 2011

News Digest from the Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party for Friday, August 19, 2011

Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party News Digest Friday, August 19, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here are today’s items of interest. This is a compendium of some of this week’s most important news.

Any questions, or should you have an item of interest, please let me know.

-Democratic Leader Andrew Mizsak

Geauga County Democratic Party Booth at THE GREAT GEAUGA COUNTY FAIR, Thursday, September 1, 2011 – Monday, September 5, 2011. Geauga County Fairgrounds in Burton. To volunteer, email Chairwoman Janet Carson at BWHDP (and allied groups) marching unit in the AFL-CIO Labor Day Parade (we are marching with the NEOEA). Saturday, September 3, 2011. The parade is in PARMA HEIGHTS and steps off at 10:00 AM. To participate, please email the BWHDP general e-mail:
BWHDP Outreach Booth at the Bedford Oktoberfest. Friday, September 9, 2011 – Sunday, September 11, 2011; Bedford Commons. BEDFORD/WALTON HILLS DEMOCRATIC PARTY "WE ARE ONE" PARADE MARCHING AND VEHICLE UNIT FOR THE BEDFORD OKTOBERFEST PARADE. Parade line up at 10:30 AM at Bedford City Hall, 165 Center Road, Bedford; Parade steps off at 11:00 proceeding Southeast on Center Road to Broadway Avenue, where it will proceed South on Broadway Avenue to the Bedford Commons. At the Bedford Commons, we will have refreshments for parade participants. THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION FOR ALL MEMBERS OF ORGANIZED LABOR, DEMOCRATIC, PROGRESSIVE, AND ALLIED GROUPS. SPECIAL ATTENTION:

From Councilwoman Paula Mizsak…Thank you to all who attended the fundraiser on Tuesday. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated. Your friendship means the world to me. Congratulations to Geauga County Democratic Chair Janet Carson, and her husband Terry, on the birth of their granddaughter Parker. Welcome to the Democratic Family, Baby Parker!
On Wednesday, Governor John Kasich, flanked by Senate President Thomas Niehaus and Speaker of the House William G. Batchelder, announced their intentions to try to resolve the impasse between the two sides of the Senate Bill 5 fight. They even wanted to finally talk out the differences…

You know what the old saying is…"Too little, too late."
 What they want, and what we said. Here are some of the highlights…Enjoy!
From We Are Ohio

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We Are Ohio Tells Extreme Politicians they passed SB 5, they should repeal it


We‘re glad that Governor Kasich and the other politicians who passed SB 5 are finally admitting this is a flawed bill,‖said Melissa Fazekas, spokeswoman for We Are Ohio.

Just like the bill was flawed this approach to a compromise is flawed as well. Our message is clear. These same politicians who passed this law could repeal it and not thwart the will of the people. They should either repeal the entire bill or support our efforts and encourage a no vote on Issue 2.‖

We Are Ohio is a citizen-driven, community-based, bipartisan coalition that has come together to repeal SB 5, the unfair attack on employee rights and worker safety. We Are Ohio includes public and private sector workers and employees, police officers, firefighters, teachers, nurses, pastors, small business owners, Republicans and Democrats, local elected officials and business leaders, students, Moms, Dads, family members, and your neighbors.

Below is a link to a story in Today's Plain Dealer.


From Tim Burga, President of the Ohio AFL-CIO: 

I wanted you to be the first to read our official response to Governor Kasich‘s press conference yesterday:
 Statement of Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga in Response to Kasich Press Conference
Contrary to the erroneous report in today‘s Columbus Dispatch, the Ohio AFL-CIO has never entered into any series of meetings or negotiations on Senate Bill 5.

Yesterday, Governor Kasich, along with House Speaker Batchelder and Senate President Niehaus called a press conference to invite Ohio labor leaders to a meeting to negotiate a compromise with regard to SB 5. The Ohio AFL-CIO attempted dialogue during the legislative process and was denied that opportunity.

Since the bill passed and was signed into law, The Ohio AFL-CIO has been clear that if SB 5 is repealed in its entirety we would be willing to address any concerns that the Governor and the legislature have with the collective bargaining law. This is our position and will remain our position throughout this campaign.

The Ohio AFL-CIO stands firmly with the We Are Ohio Coalition and the nearly 1.3 million Ohioans who have signed a petition to repeal the bill in its entirety.


We will restore basic rights for all Ohio workers. We will repeal SB 5.

Thank you for keeping up the fight.

In solidarity,

Tim Burga
President, Ohio AFL-CIO

From Liz Brown, Political Director, Ohio Democratic Party:

Are you kidding me???

Where was the compromise when Kasich said, "If you're not on the bus, we'll run over you with the bus"?

Where was the compromise when they locked the Statehouse and shut out thousands of Ohioans who simply wanted to have their voice heard?

Where was the compromise when they played politics with their own Republican members and punished them for voting NO on SB 5?

The time for compromise was in February or March or April when tens of thousands of Ohioans showed up to the Statehouse to oppose SB 5. But they weren’t interested in compromise until they realized that we have history (and Ohioans!) on our side and Senate Bill 5 will be repealed in November.

1.3 million Ohioans signed the petition to repeal SB 5. They wanted a vote on this horrible legislation, and they deserve a vote. That’s why our Democratic leaders and allies are standing firm. Enough is enough.
Did you hear what John Kasich and Columbus Republican politicians tried to do yesterday? After thwarting the will of the people and ramming Senate Bill 5 down the throats of middle class Ohioans, they are now saying they want to compromise.
Will you join us today in telling John Kasich that we won’t accept his so-
called compromise by making a donation of $5, $10, or even $25 today?

It is obvious that we have Kasich on the run. He knows that the people of Ohio don’t support SB 5. But we can’t stop now – we have to continue to call out John Kasich’s dirty tricks and we have to continue to get the word out about SB 5 until Ohioans have the chance to repeal it in November – which they will.

Join us today by making a contribution and make your voice be heard.


Liz Brown
Political Director, Ohio Democratic Party

From We Are Ohio:
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Contact: Melissa Fazekas
Phone: (614) 203-2616

We Are Ohio Sends Response to Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House

 ―While we thank the Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House for reaching out and recognizing that the bill is flawed, we are asking for a fresh start,‖ said Melissa Fazekas, spokeswoman for We Are Ohio. ―

That fresh start must begin with a full repeal of Senate Bill 5. A complete repeal of Senate Bill 5 would go a long way toward creating an environment for compromise, restoring trust in government by the electorate and setting the table for meaningful negotiations about creating jobs, rebuilding Ohio‘s economy and moving the state forward. Due to the complexity of the bill and our responsibility to the 1.3 million Ohioans who want to repeal it, We Are Ohio strongly believes a full repeal of Senate Bill 5 must occur prior to any meeting. Upon repeal of Senate Bill 5, we look forward to coming together as Ohioans to make our state a better place to live,work and raise a family, just like our public employees – firefighters, nurses, teachers and police officers -- do every day in their jobs.‖

We Are Ohio is a citizen-driven, community-based, bipartisan coalition that has come together to repeal SB 5, the unfair attack on employee rights and worker safety. We Are Ohio includes public and private sector workers and employees, police officers, firefighters, teachers, nurses, pastors, small business owners, Republicans and Democrats, local elected officials and business leaders, students, Moms, Dads, family members, and your neighbors.

To view the letters, please visit the following links:

Letter to Governor Kasich:
Letter to Speaker of the House Batchelder:
Letter to Senate President Niehaus:

Contact Us: (614) 300-0105

From Misha Barnes:

If you missed Ted on MSNBC last night talking about defeating SB5 here is the link: 8

Misha Barnes
From We Are Ohio:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Contact: Melissa Fazekas
Phone: (614) 203-2616

Workers Representing We Are Ohio Call on Governor to Repeal Senate Bill 5

· Removing legislative members from committees;
Today workers representing We Are Ohio and our 1.3 million supporters continued their call on Governor Kasich, Senate President Niehaus and Speaker Batchelder to repeal all of Senate Bill 5, the unfair and unsafe bill that hurts us all. We Are Ohio called on these leaders to first repeal all of Senate Bill 5 to ensure a fresh start to the process. A total repeal prior to future discussions is needed due to the lack of trust resulting from the numerous political tricks these leaders played to pass Senate Bill 5 including: · Locking Ohioans out of the Ohio Statehouse; (click here for photos)
· Denying Ohioans their right to testify on the bill,
· Trying to split the referendum into pieces on the ballot;
· Trying to confuse voters by ignoring the constitution on the question of whether it should be a yes or no vote.

Glenn Szatala a firefighter in Sandusky said, "The message of wanting to talk doesn't mean anything without the repeal. We had a chance in the legislative process and now that's over. Unless there is repeal, we're not interested."

"When we wanted to sit down and have conversation, there was no interest by the Governor,‖ said Brad Strong a teacher from Mansfield. ―Then it was railroaded through the legislature with backroom deals and political games. Now he sees Ohio doesn't want SB5 so he wants to sit down, which makes me feel I can't treat this idea as a serious conversation."

Mike Bammann a retired police officer from Mansfield added, ―The opportunity to sit down at the table was given to the Governor in January. We have long past that time and he made it law. Anything short of repeal would be ignoring the voice of the public of Ohio.‖

―I'm happy that the Governor realizes that Senate Bill 5 was fundamentally flawed, but thousands of middle class Ohioans were at the State House and literally begging for a compromise in February, said Jeana Campolo, a Direct Care Worker at the Mount Vernon Developmental Center. ―When we were there pleading with Governor Kasich to negotiate he told us to, ‗Get on the bus, or he'll run us over with it.‘ How am I supposed to trust him to sit down and negotiate in good faith when he has shown such little respect for us in the past?‖

We Are Ohio is a citizen-driven, community-based, bipartisan coalition that has come together to repeal SB 5, the unfair attack on employee rights and worker safety. We Are Ohio includes public and private sector workers and employees, police officers, firefighters, teachers, nurses, pastors, small business owners, Republicans and Democrats, local elected officials and business leaders, students, Moms, Dads, family members, and your neighbors.

Contact Us: (614) 300-0105
From the Office of State Senator Nina Turner:

Unfortunately, the Talks with Turner event with Senator Nina Turner scheduled for August 22 has been cancelled due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. Please stay tuned in the days to come for a rescheduled date.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, or if we may ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 614.466.4583 or

All the best,

Adam Warren
Administrative Aide State Senator Nina Turner, 25
P: 614.466.4583 │ F: 614.466.4120

From the Ohio Education Association:

Wisconsin recall sends message: Attacks on working people have consequences

Yesterday, two members of the Wisconsin State Senate—legislators who voted to hurt the middle
class and silence the voices of public employees just like us—were defeated in recall elections. This historic election sends a clear message that attacks on working people will result in irresponsible politicians losing their jobs.

The tide is turning, and the focus of the nation is turning to Ohio next.

Wisconsin‘s elections also showed the extent to which outside special interests will go to protect elected officials who do their bidding. Despite the fact that all of the elections occurred in districts where the incumbents had been elected with over 55 percent of the vote, two members lost and one more barely squeaked by with 52 percent of the vote.

Across the nation, there are firefighters, teachers, nurses, students, bus drivers, bridge inspectors, social workers and others cheering because in Wisconsin, the middle class is fighting back—and starting to win.

It's critical for the future of Ohio and public educators in our state that we win the 2012 elections and replace anti-public education office holders with leaders who understand and respect public education and educators. You can join the effort today to ensure that we win the 2012 elections and take our state back.

We all know that the middle class is under siege in this country. From special tax giveaways to billionaires to brutal cuts in communities, it‘s been a long, hard year for too many people who were already living on the margins. For too long, too many politicians in Ohio and throughout America have tried to move a political agenda under the guise of a ―budget crisis.‖ Last night, it cost them two seats and a lot of former voters in Wisconsin. We‘re seeing a similar shift among Ohioans who now see clearly who is really on their side.

The middle class in Wisconsin stood together against Scott Walker and his unfair attacks on public employees. This November, and again in the 2012 elections, we must stand together, rally our friends and neighbors, and stand up for our students and each other.

Ohio's educators, firefighters, police officers, nurses and allies in the public are more energized than ever before. We will need to continue, and even expand that energy and passion so that we can win these critical elections in 2011 and 2012 and take our voices back.

The Issue 2 campaign to repeal SB 5 is now underway. OEA members should contact their local presidents and labor relations consultants for more information on how to be involved in helping to repeal the law.

Editorials highlight problems with SB 5

Last weekend, opinion pieces were published in the

To view the opinion pieces, click on the following links:

Cleveland Plain Dealer:
 Columbus Dispatch:

OEA to Host Issue 2 Campaign Training for Members
In preparation for the November 8 election, the OEA will host special training sessions for members. Contact your LRC for more information on training dates and locations.

Help Bring Awesome Back to the Buckeye State

Join Stand Up for Ohio in rebuilding the American Dream of Good Jobs and Strong Communities at the Bring Awesome Back festival on August 20. The free, family event will be held from 12-9 pm at the Ohio State Fairgrounds located at 717 East 17

The festival will feature performances by Grand Funk Railroad, The Ohio Players, Nikki Giovanni, Over the Rhine, Happy Chichester, Two Cow Garage, Nick Tolford & Company, Ghost Shirt, Renee Dion, Last Call Cleveland, The Saints Drum Line, Those Guys and Ohio Songwriters in the Round.

For details and to RSVP, visit
th Avenue in Columbus.
Join a canvassing event to help repeal SB 5

Looking for a way to help the SB 5 Repeal effort? Find an event near you!
Click on a marker on the map for event details.

Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Columbus Dispatch highlighting the fact that the governor went too far with SB 5. Brent Larkin of the Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote, ―Nevertheless, some astute Republicans here privately concede that their odds of prevailing are diminishing. In fact, some Kasich loyalists already are downplaying how a defeat on Issue 2 would impact the governor's political standing — a telltale sign that they fear the worst.‖ The Columbus Dispatch editorial suggests the following about SB 5, ―It has nothing to do with improving Ohio‘s economic well-being.‖
August 12, 2011

From the Brave New Foundation:
Don't Let the Koch Brothers Resegregate These Children

Watch the Video
Our latest video connects the dots and reveals how the Koch brothers fight against public education in every possible way. Their efforts began in North Carolina where they funded an effort to resegregate schools in an award winning school district. Using the same language as Gov. George Wallace in the 60s, Koch-supported school board members attempted to make "segregation always" a policy for tens of thousands of families. While David and Charles Koch drink down the high life, they are causing tens of thousands of families in North Carolina to lose their opportunity at enjoying educational equality and a free and fair shot at success. It’s part and parcel of the Kochs’ ideology to dismantle public service generally.

Watch the video, then take action.

Call David Koch at his Manhattan office at
212-319-1100 and tell him to "stop funding school resegregation now."
We can’t let the Koch brothers ruin an equal opportunity for all. We've partnered with the Advancement Project, People for the American Way, Center for Social Inclusion and African American Ministers in Action to take action and spread this important investigation around.
You can forward our video to a friend by clicking here.

Yours, Robert Greenwald and the Brave New Foundation team

 P.S. I invite you to join our Koch Brothers Exposed page on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

From the Young Democrats of America:
 When I was elected YDA Vice President last month in Louisville, I came to the job with a background in the labor movement and a deep commitment to young workers across the country.

One of my top priorities in YDA is to continue building upon the relationship between unions and the next generation of Democratic Party leaders. In 2010, I had the opportunity to attend the first annual AFL-CIO Young Workers Summit. I spent four days with union members of my own age, and I realized that we have a strong future, and in fact, a strong present group of leaders who are ready to take on any challenge. The second annual "Next Up" Young Workers Summit will take place on September 29 – October 2 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The AFL-CIO has extended the invitation for YDA members to participate in the conference, and I hope many of you will plan to join me next month.

Young people are making a difference all across the globe, mobilizing for social and economic justice from Egypt to Wisconsin. You can lend your skills and talents to this growing movement by joining the AFL-CIO and hundreds of young workers, activists and leaders in Minneapolis. The registration and hotel deadline is September 1, and the conference fee is $35. More information can be found on the Next Up website.

Once you have registered, please send an email to so we can keep track of how many YDA members are planning to attend. I look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis!

In Solidarity,
Mike Corbett
Vice President Young Democrats of America
 From Chris Redfern, Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party:

They're coming for us.

Now that the recall elections in Wisconsin are finished, the special interests like the Koch Brothers and Karl Rove's so-called Americans for Prosperity are turning their focus to Ohio. And they're ready to throw the kitchen sink at Ohio's middle class. Over the next three months, you will see misleading ad after misleading ad flooding the airwaves in an attempt pit Ohioans against one another.

That's the reality we face, and despite what the polls say, it won't be easy to defeat Issue 2 in November.
Will you help us stand up to the special interest attacks by making a contribution of $10, $25 or $50 today?
Our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin made history, and although they fell short of their goal of taking back the Wisconsin State Senate, they did nab two Republican seats in the recall elections. We are encouraged by these results, but the lesson is clear: we can take NOTHING for granted between now and November 8.

That's why the Ohio Democratic Party and our allies are working every day, with activists going door-to-door and talking to their friends and neighbors about the need to repeal Senate Bill 5. We are mounting a statewide, grassroots effort - the largest ever in an off-year election - so that we can compete against the Koch Brothers' and Karl Rove's money.

Please help us in this effort.
Your contribution of $10, $25, $50 or whatever you can give will go a long way in helping us fight back against the millions of dollars of special interest attacks on Ohio's police, firefighters, teachers, nurses and all public employees who proudly serve our communities.
Senate Bill 5 is an attack on the middle class. But Ohioans will repeal it if we band together, get the word out and defeat Issue 2 in November. We must remain vigilant in this effort and not take anything for granted.

Chris Redfern
Chairman, Ohio Democratic Party

P.S. Make no mistake, my friend. There is nothing more important to the national special interests than keeping Senate Bill 5. And there is nothing more important to the Ohio's middle class than repealing it.
Will you make a financial contribution of $10 or more to help us win in November?

From the Ohio Education Association:

OEA member campaign training to focus on how to enlist friends, family and neighbors to defeat SB 5
What will it take to repeal Senate Bill 5 on November 8? How will Ohioans respond to this unfair, unsafe attack on the middle class? To win, we must recruit our friends, family and neighbors!
To explain how to do that, member training is coming to locations near you, and OEA staff will provide you with tools to start campaigning right away.

Thousands of OEA members became trained circulators for the petition drive. Now we need thousands to become active volunteers in the referendum campaign, and that will take a massive training effort.

For a current list of training locations near you, please go to the SB 5 Action Center on the OEA website at

Because this training is for OEA members only, you must log in to the OEA website in order to view or download the training schedule. Use the LOGIN menu at the top of the page. If you have not logged into the OEA website before, here are directions on how to create your account before you log in.

And watch for more training opportunities in messages from your local association president and from your OEA labor relations consultant.

Nearly 1.3 million people signed petitions to put Issue 2 on the ballot. Repealing SB 5 at the ballot box will take a full commitment by all union members. But it will also necessitate a significant outreach to all Ohio voters, and we will start with our friends, family and neighbors.

To find out more and attend campaign training, find a session scheduled near you at

Again, log in to the OEA website in order to view the training schedule.

We Are Ohio responds to Governor Kasich on offer of negotiations on SB 5 referendum

Yesterday, the We Are Ohio campaign released this statement in response to a news conference and letter by Gov. John Kasich:

We Are Ohio Tells Extreme Politicians they passed SB 5, they should repeal it

Speaker Batchelder and Senate President Niehaus, We Are Ohio issued the following statement:

―We‘re glad that Governor Kasich and the other politicians who passed SB 5 are finally admitting this is a flawed bill,‖ said Melissa Fazekas, spokeswoman for We Are Ohio. ―Just like the bill was flawed, this approach to a compromise is flawed as well. Our message is clear. These same politicians who passed this law could repeal it and not thwart the will of the people. They should either repeal the entire bill or support our efforts and encourage a no vote on Issue 2.‖

Review the full news release at
and find out more about Issue 2.

Fair Elections Ohio seeks signatures to repeal Voter Suppression Bill

House Bill 194, promoted as election reform, actually is the Voter Suppression Bill of 2011. It represents a significant curtailment of voter rights in Ohio, and many Ohioans have joined the effort to repeal it with a citizen veto vote in 2012.

That work will require gathering more than 230,000 valid signatures on referendum petitions by September 29, and OEA supports this vital effort to protect democracy in Ohio.

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine has rejected the first proposed ballot language on the repeal effort, but Fair Elections Ohio -- the campaign organization for repeal -- has submitted new language for review.

The best ways to participate in the repeal of the Voter Suppression Bill are:

 to get a summary of the issue at
to find out more at the Fair Elections Ohio Facebook page,,
and to and watch for updates on
Unless the referendum succeeds, here are some of the changes imposed by HB 194, the Voter Suppression Bill:

 In-person early voting would only take place over 14 days with no evening, Saturday afternoon or Sunday voting.

 Full social security numbers would have to be provided on absentee and provisional ballot ID envelopes.

 Rules would be softened on corporate political activity.

 Poll workers would not have to tell voters they are in the wrong precinct and that if they are their vote won't count.

 There would be no more 10 days after the election to give more information for provisional ballots to be counted.

 Long lines of voters would be banned from interfering with nearby businesses.

OEA holds staff campaign training on Issue 2
OEA staff attended August 11 We Are Ohio campaign training to learn about the referendum campaign‘s message and how to enlist friends, family and neighbors to build the No vote for Issue 2. Above, from top left, clockwise, speakers at the training session: OEA Executive Director Larry Wicks, OEA UniServ Political Advocacy Consultant Pete Hackeman, OEA Assistant Executive Directors Rachelle Johnson and Kevin Flanagan, and We Are Ohio Campaign Director A.J. Stokes. A second training session for staff is under way today, and members can click here to see a full list of training dates and locations.

Photos by Julie Newhall
Absentee voting (including by mail) would be cut short by two weeks.
Thank you for all you do! Onward to Victory!

"Our labor unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provided supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor."
JOHN F. KENNEDY, speech, Aug. 30, 1960

COLUMBUS - Today We Are Ohio once again stood firmly with the 1.3 million Ohioans who signed petitions to repeal SB 5 by telling the extreme politicians who passed it, to repeal it. Following a press conference held by Governor Kasich,

Register for the "Next Up" Young Workers Summit
th District
- Today We Are Ohio responded in writing to Governor John Kasich, Senate President Tom Niehaus and Speaker of the House William Batchelder. We Are Ohio, the broad-based coalition, reinforced our commitment to our thousands of volunteers and 1.3 million supporters by asking the government leaders to repeal all of Senate Bill 5.
- Today We Are Ohio once again stood firmly with the 1.3 million Ohioans who signed petitions to repeal SB 5 by telling the extreme politicians who passed it, to repeal it. Following a press conference held by Governor Kasich, Speaker Batchelder and Senate President Niehaus, We Are Ohio issued the following statement:
T-SHIRTS CAN STILL BE ORDERED…They are $10 each. Please let me know ASAP if you would like them.

News Digest from the Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party for Friday, August 12, 2011

Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party News Digest Friday, August 12, 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here are today’s items of interest. This is a compendium of some of this week’s most important news.

Any questions, or should you have an item of interest, please let me know.

-Democratic Leader Andrew Mizsak

Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Outreach Booth at the Cuyahoga County Fair…going on everyday through August 14th, 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds in Berea.

DEMS DAY Picnic Event…Sunday, August 14th, 2011, from 1:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Egbert Picnic Shelter, Bedford Reservation in the Cleveland Metroparks. The Shelter is located off of Egbert Road in Bedford. Fundraiser for Councilwoman Paula Mizsak. Tuesday, August 16th, 2011; 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. Sirna’s Café. 795 Broadway Avenue, Bedford. $35/person. Solon/Glenwillow Democratic Club Meeting. Wednesday, August 17th, 2011. 7:00 PM. Cuyahoga County Public Library – Solon Branch.
T-SHIRTS CAN STILL BE ORDERED…They are $10 each. Please let me know ASAP if you would like them. FLYER for Dems Day Event. th C.A.U.S.E. event  FLYER for the Parma Democratic Party Steak Roast

BIG EVENT WEEKEND!!! We Are Ohio canvass in Bedford Heights (and Bedford)

WEEKEND NEIGHBORHOOD WALKS FOR NO on ISSUE #2  Saturday, August 13, 2011
 Shift #1 - 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
 Shift #2 - 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
 Sunday, August 14, 2011
 Shift #1 - 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

 Shift #2 - 3:00 PM - 5:00 P
Bedford Heights Reed Pool & Park
  Contact: Field Organizer Michael Houser 216.496.4347
From the United Auto Workers:

Support Verizon Workers’ Fight to Defend Middle-Class Jobs

The war on collective bargaining goes on, this time at Verizon. Despite making $19.5 billion in profits and paying out $258 million to its top 5 executives in the last four years, Verizon wants to take back more than 50 years of collective bargaining and destroy middleclass jobs.

Verizon has refused to move from a long list of nearly 100 concession demands. CWA and IBEW have taken the unprecedented step of striking until Verizon stops its Wisconsin-style tactics and starts bargaining seriously.

Verizon’s demands include: freeze pensions for current workers and eliminate them for future workers, allow contracting out and offshoring of more jobs, slash sick leave, completely gut health care plans for current and retired workers, and eliminate disability payments for injured workers.

How You Can Help

Adopt Verizon Wireless stores to picket and leaflet. Download the leaflet at Sign our petition at

"Like" us at

From the Ohio Democratic Party:

Ohio Democratic Party

Dear Supporter,

So far, 2011 has proven to be a year of many fights.

We’re fighting attacks on Ohio’s workers.

We’re fighting attacks on Ohio’s environment.

We’re fighting attacks on Ohio’s families.

As we gear up for battles in 2011 and 2012, let’s show our opponents that we’re willing to stand up and fight to rebuild the American dream of good jobs and strong communities.

Join the Ohio Democratic Party and thousands of other Ohioans for the Stand Up for Ohio festival on Saturday, August 20 from noon until dusk at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in Columbus.

This free festival will feature music from Grand Funk Railroad, The Ohio Players, and Over the Rhine. It’ll also have poetry from Ohio’s own Nikki Giovanni. Click here for the day’s full line up.

Not only will there be great entertainment, but we’ll hear from Ohioans that are leading fights to repeal SB 5 (now No on Issue 2), restore funding to education, protect the environment and keep voting simple, easy and accessible to all people.

Will you join us?

Click here to RSVP for the Stand Up for Ohio festival on August 20.

The entire event is free and open to the public. There will be "Built by Ohio Workers" displays, games and activities for children, and information from organizations fighting for Ohioans every day.

Join us at noon on August 20 at the Ohio State Fairgrounds and stand up and fight for the American dream in Ohio!

Your friends at the Ohio Democratic Party

Paid for and authorized by the Ohio Democratic Party, not authorized by any federal candidate or campaign committee. Chris Redfern, Chairman, 340 East Fulton St, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

From Progress Ohio: 

Readers of Shadows know that hypocrisy and distortions of the truth are nothing new to politics but Governor John Kasich and his Friends in the Statehouse have taken it to new levels.

They claim to care about the middle class, but slam through extreme legislation like SB5, which will decimate collective bargaining and create a downward cycle in our local communities.

They talk about creating Jobs and then slash billions from our local government and schools, leading to an estimated 51,000 job losses across the State.

They talk about making elections more secure and then push through HB194, a blatant partisan attempt to stop eligible votes from counting and to restrict the ability of citizens to participate in our democracy.

Here at ProgressOhio, we have started a Kasich’s Cons Web Series to highlight the many examples of lies and distortions from Governor Kasich and his cronies.

In this week’s video, we review our findings from the last few weeks and lay out the facts so far:
1. Governor Kasich doesn’t respect us.
2. Governor Kasich doesn’t think we can Repeal SB5.
3. Governor Kasich is WRONG.


Please Remember this Fall "NO" is a beautiful word. Join Us! Follow Us! Support Us!

From Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio):

We all wish we’d gotten a better deal to prevent the United States from defaulting on its obligations. But this fight isn’t over.

And just because you and I won’t be in the room when the new deficit reduction committee is working on the next deal doesn’t mean we can’t make our voices heard.
Click here to tell the Democrats to stand up for progressive principles!

My new petition calls upon Democrats on the "super committee" to hold fast to three progressive principles:
1. Oppose any plan that ends Medicare as we know it.
2. Protect Social Security -- a program that isn’t responsible for the deficit.
3. Demand that big corporations and the wealthy share in the sacrifice.

Any deal that doesn’t meet these criteria is a bad deal for the middle class -- and progressives should band together to urge Democrats to stand strong.

Sign my open letter and ask Democrats to unite around these principles!

Defend Medicare. Protect Social Security. Share the sacrifice. Every Democrat should stand proudly behind these three principles. And every progressive should demand that of our representatives on the "super committee."

Now is the time for us to make our voices heard and shape the debate before it begins. So click here, sign my petition, and let’s stand up for our progressive principles!

From the Public Education Network Weekly News Blast for Friday, August 12, 2011 (Edited):

Why they marched
In a speech at the Save Our Schools march in Washington, D.C., Linda Darling-Hammond explained why she and thousands of others had rallied -- to challenge the "aggressive neglect of our children": "We are here because we want to prepare children for the 21st-century world they are entering, not for an endless series of multiple-choice tests that increasingly deflect us from our mission to teach them well," she told the crowd. "We are here to protest the policies that produce the increasingly segregated and underfunded schools so many of our children attend." The march attested to the fact that "it is not acceptable for the wealthiest country in the world to be cutting millions of dollars from schools serving our neediest students... It is not acceptable to have schools in our cities and poor rural districts staffed by a revolving door of beginning and often untrained teachers, many of whom see this as charity work they do on the way to a real job." However, Darling-Hammond stated, public education has a secret weapon: "the members of communities and the profession like yourselves who are committed first and foremost to our children and who have the courage to speak out against injustice." The speech is reprinted in its entirety on Valerie Strauss's Answer Sheet blog in The Washington Post. Read more:
With White Hats like these... An Ohio judge has ordered charter-school operator David L. Brennan to turn over a detailed accounting of how his for-profit management company White Hat spends the millions of tax dollars it receives each year, The Columbus Dispatch reports. The state's law "clearly and unambiguously requires operators of community schools to provide their governing authorities with a detailed accounting of how public funds are spent," Judge John Bender wrote in a 12-page decision. Last year, charter schools in the Akron and Cleveland areas sued to terminate or renegotiate contracts with White Hat, saying their input was ignored and White Hat ran the schools "as they deem fit regardless of many legitimate objections, questions, and challenges that the (community schools) have raised." Under contracts with the schools, White Hat receives 96 percent of the state aid schools are given. Bender's decision means White Hat must turn over a broad range of financial data, including how much is spent on teacher salaries, computers, textbooks, and other classroom equipment; an inventory of personal property for each school; how much is spent on lobbying state lawmakers or making political contributions; and funds paid
Public Education Network Weekly NewsBlast "Public Involvement. Public Education. Public Benefit." August 12, 2011

From the Ohio AFL-CIO:
North Shore CLC Kickoff Attracts 200+
The North Shore AFL-CIO Central Labor Council kicked off its Cleveland campaign to repeal Senate Bill 5 yesterday, packing the LIUNA 310 Hall with more than 200 labor leaders and activists.
The diverse group, which included members from AFGE, AFM, AFSCME, AFT, AFTRA, APWU, ATU, CWA, GCIU, IAFF, IATSE, IBEW, IRON, IUDE, IUEC, LIUNA, OAPSE, OCSEA, OPEIU, SEIU, UA, UAW, USW and UTU, allies from ADA, America Votes, the Cuyahoga Democratic Party,
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, Metro Health, MoveOn and many more, was visibly impassioned about voting "NO" on Issue 2 to veto the bill on November 8.

"I’ve never seen labor so energized and enthusiastic," said Brenda Adrine, a retired systems analyst and member of AFGE Local 3238.

Harriet Applegate, Executive Secretary of the North Shore Labor Council, called the campaign to defeat Issue 2 a collective effort. "Everyone — private sector, public sector and building and construction workers and union leaders came together with our allies and talked to hundreds of thousands of people to put this on the ballot," she said. "We stood together, and we’re fired up and ready to work to defeat this."

Applegate added that she felt confident labor and allies would vote down Issue 2. "We’re going to win this fight because folks in Ohio realize this isn’t just an attack on public sector employees. It’s an attack on us all," she said.

Similar CLC Leadership Events are taking place across the state this week and next as we begin executing a plan to reach our universe of more than 1.6 million middle class Ohioans.

But we can’t do it alone.

Please, join us at a CLC Kickoff Meeting in your area.

In the coming weeks and months, we’ll need your help to make sure that all working Ohioans know what’s at stake on November 8.

E-mail with your contact information to sign up and volunteer for the campaign.

Thank you — for all that you do.

In solidarity,

The Ohio AFL-CIO

From Craig Lindell, Vice President of the Solon Democratic Club:
 Become involved in what is happening in Solon and Ohio
The Solon Democratic Club is pleased to invite you to a meeting Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 7:00PM.

The meeting is in the meeting room of the Solon Branch of the Cuyahoga County Library. Located at 34125 Portz Parkway, Solon, OH 44139, off SOM Center Road

Topics The next step now that the Referendum Petition has been certified for the November 2011 ballot

SPAN of Ohio (Single Payer Action Network of Ohio)
 SB:112 Health Care for All Ohioans: Co-Sponsored by Senators: Mike Skindell and Nina Turner

 HB:287 Ohio HC Security Act: Co-Sponsored by Representatives: Mike Foley and Bob Hagan

New Wards in Solon due to population changes from the 2010 census

Our website is

The following link to the Ohio House Democratic Caucus website will also help you keep informed of the latest email updates regarding the referendum to rescind SB5.

All are welcome.

Thank you for all you do! Onward to Victory!

"Our labor unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provided supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor."
JOHN F. KENNEDY, speech, Aug. 30, 1960
24780 Eldridge Road Bedford Hts, Ohio
Help Reject SB5
FLYER for Councilwoman Mizsak’s Fundraiser FLYER for August 20


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

1,298,301 A Letter from The Honorable Chris Redfern, Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party

Dear Fellow Ohio Democrats:
We did it! On June 29th, 1,298,301 Ohioans said ―Not so fast!‖ to John Kasich. That's how many signatures were delivered to the Secretary of State's office following a parade of about 7,000 people in Columbus.

Democrats, middle-class Ohioans, union mem-bers and more have been organizing in every corner of the state. Together we collected more than 5 times the number of signatures needed to give citizens veto power over Senate Bill 5 – the anti-middle class, anti-worker bill that John Kasich and extremist Republican lawmakers pushed through the legislature. But getting the signatures was just the first step in a tough campaign that starts today. Soon millions of special-interest dollars and out-of-state corporate funds will begin to flood Ohio’s airwaves with misleading ads about Senate Bill 5. We must pull out all the stops to fight back.
Will you help us keep Ohio from turning its back on police, firefighters and teachers?
Let’s be clear. Senate Bill 5 would not create a sin-gle new job in Ohio. Instead, it would lead to fewer police officers patrolling our neighborhoods, fewer firefighters responding to our emergency calls and fewer dollars for our children in the classroom. Will you help us today and tell John Kasich that he cannot punish Ohio’s middle class?

We are a nation, a state and a political party that stands up for the dignity of hard work and the honor of fair play. Please stand by us, and help in this fight!

Chris Redfern, Chairman
The Ohio Democratic Party


On July 19th, the Bed-ford/Walton Hills De-mocratic Party will be hosting our first major fundraising event. This event, with special guests Governor Ted Strickland and Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Red-fern will take place at the Hall of Teamsters’ Local 436. The Hall is located at 6051 Carey Drive in Valley View, and the fundraiser will be from 6:00 - 9:00 PM.
―This is our first major fundraising event, and was actually suggested by Mayor [Dan] Pocek in 2009. We were fi-nally able to make it happen this year. All thanks go to Chairman Redfern for suggesting
that we do it this sum-mer,‖ said Democratic Leader Andrew Mizsak.
―Governor Ted Strick-land has been as en-gaged as any Ohioan in the effort to preserve the rights of Middle Class Ohioans, and his support of public em-ployees is wonderful,‖ continued Leader Mizsak.
Governor Strickland will be joined by Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Red-fern. Chairman Red-fern is the person who was most responsible for our Southeast Cuyahoga Democratic Center coming to life last year.
―Chairman Redfern, for as long as I have known him, has been a great supporter of grassroots politics and local activism. Whether it was when he was House Democ-ratic Leader, and he traveled to all 99 House Districts to re-cruit candidates and learn local issues, or his 88-county strategy which turned Ohio blue in 2006 and 2008, Chairman Redfern un-derstands and appreci-ates the work of local party units like ours. It will be great to have him with us,‖ stated Leader Mizsak.
This splendid event will not only show our ap-preciation for Governor Strickland and Chair-
man Redfern’s leader-ship, but is a great way to honor the 60 years of service the BWHDP has provided to our two communi-ties.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

BWHDP Seeking to Partner with Organized Labor to Increase Membership

If there is anything that Senate Bill 5 has done, it has galvanized the BWHDP’s resolve to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Organized Labor. In order to better serve our constituents, and to show support for each other, the Democratic Leader is seeking to work with Organized Labor - especially those who live in Bedford and Walton Hills. There are numerous unions that serve the City of Bedford and Village of Walton Hills, whether they are public sector or private sector, and there are many members of those organizations who reside in our two communities.  It would behoove all of us to all work together. If you are a member of an organized labor group, the BWHDP would be honored to have you amongst our ranks.  If you are an organized labor leader, and believe we can help each other with campaign efforts,  then please let us know. We are trying to build a better, stronger, BWHDP, and we know that if we work in tandem with our brothers and sisters in Organized Labor, we can do that.  We would also love to engage in other activities with Organized Labor, such as Town Halls, rallies, etc. If you would like to join our mailing list, please email Secretary Stephanie Terrell at; and if you would like membership information, please contact Assistant Democratic Leader Nancy Lachowski at (440) 232-8897 or via email at Any other questions may be directed to the Democratic Leader.


¨ Tuesday, April 12, 2011:  Regular Meeting of the Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party.  Ellenwood Recreation Center, 7:00 PM
¨ Tuesday, May 10, 2011:  Regular Meeting of the Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party.  Ellenwood Recreation Center, 7:00 PM
¨ Wednesday, May 18, 2011:  Fundraiser for Councilwoman Paula Mizsak.  Mr. Gee’s Bar and Grille.  5:30 -  8:00 PM.  $35/person
¨ Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5, 2011:  BWHDP Outreach Booth at the Bedford Rotary Day of the Rib.  Bedford Commons.
¨ Tuesday, June 14, 2011:  Regular Meeting of the Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party, Annual Picnic, and Awards Ceremony.  Willard Park at Ellenwood Recreation Center, 6:30 PM
¨ Friday, June 24 - Sunday, June 26, 2011:  BWHDP Outreach Booth at the Italian American Brotherhood Festival.  Bedford Commons.
¨ Monday, July 4, 2011:  BWHDP Entry in the Bedford-Bedford Heights Independence Day Parade.
¨ Saturday, July 16, 2011:  BWHDP Booth at the Bedford Street Dance.  6:00 PM, Broadway Avenue
¨ Friday, July 29 - Sunday, July 31, 2011:  BWHDP Booth at the Bedford Lions’ Carnival.  Bedford Commons

From the Leader’s Desk Andrew C.M. Mizsak, M.A.P., MBM Democratic Leader City of Bedford & Village of Walton Hills

This, I am now quite sure, is going to be a recurring theme… ALL HANDS ON DECK. 
Let me repeat…. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, ALL HANDS ON DECK. It seems like time after time we keep asking for volunteers, grassroots advocates, people who claim they are Democrats to act like Democrats, and it’s like I am shouting into the Grand Canyon.  Yes, the message is echoing off the canyon walls and through the valley, but it’s a one way message.  There is rarely a return call. Now, there are those who have stepped up lately and sent the post cards, made the telephone calls, and been a great part of our SB 5 Opposition efforts.  I cannot thank them enough. There are those volunteered last year at the Southeast Cuyahoga Democratic Center… some have stayed involved, while others have not.  If you are one of those great folks, THANK YOU… AND WE NEED YOU BACK. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the deal… I cannot promise you fame or riches, but what I can promise you is that I will thank you time and again for your time, talent, efforts, and treasure.  And when I am done thanking you, I will most likely thank you again. I can also promise you that you will be part of a worthwhile cause that will, in the end, serve the people of Ohio. You will never hear a cross word from me… one of the things I learned as a volunteer swim coach is that you never yell at a volunteer or criticize them because they are giving of themselves.  Nor will I ever ask you to do something I would not do myself. What you will hear from me is thank you, and how can I help you help us be even better? Yes, I can be demanding at times, and I am sure there are times when you get really sick of hearing me ask for funding or volunteer hours. However, I do it because we have spent a lot of money over the past 7 years trying to communicate with our constituency, and more importantly, because our core volunteers have given thousands of hours of themselves, and they need some relief.  And for the times I can be a little demanding and seem like a royal pain, I apologize. I, too, am a volunteer, and I, from time to time, would appreciate an extra set of hands, too. You will never hear me complain about this position I have aspired to. I love being your Democratic Leader, and I feel so fortunate that the Central Committee has entrusted me with a four year term to do this job I love so much. It, however, is with the knowledge that we will be embarking on our biggest continuous campaign efforts, that I ask you to once again pitch in and serve. Over the next few months, we are going to need your help with gathering signatures for a referendum to repeal SB 5. We will also need you to staff outreach booths, march in a few parades, and help our local candidates. Additionally, it would be great if you would join us at our regular meetings.  Believe me, people far greater than I attend our meetings.  I know you can make a significant contribution too. We need you at this critical juncture. We are not going to lessen our campaign efforts for a while, so we need as many people to help as possible. I thank you, our volunteers thank you, and I know you will enjoy pitching in. I know I do. So, I repeat my earlier message… ALL HANDS ON DECK. And yes, for those who were wondering, I did, from time to time, clean the bathroom at the Southeast Cuyahoga Democratic Center.

Thank you again,
Andrew Mizsak